Book review: Scooby-Doo and You: The Case of the Glowing Alien
February 02, 2022
Yes, I read a 22-year-old book from Scholastic that is aimed at the youth. And I really enjoyed it. If this surprises you, read this: Why You Should Read Children’s Books.
No, I did not solve the mystery. But, then, I didn’t take advantage of the built-in clue tracking worksheets, which might have helped. It’s a fun story, even when you’re not trying to be the next Jupiter Jones.
I didn’t buy the book, it arrived in our Little Free Library, so having grown up with Scooby as well as being a fan of Scholastic and teen mysteries, I decided to read it. (One of the perks of being a library steward is getting first crack at the good stuff.)
If you don’t have a youngster from whom you can borrow a copy, you can get one from the Amazon.