Review: Supply Single-Edge Razor
May 28, 2024
About a year ago, I decided to buy a single-edged razor from Supply. I did it partially in a quest for a better shave, but also out of frustration at paying high prices for multirazor cartridge blades.
I tried, but hated, Dollar Shave Club. I also subscribed to Harry’s, and while I enjoy the lower price and convenience of a subscription, overall their quality is not impressive.
When I ordered the Supply razor online, I immediately started receiving emails with links to tutorial videos. This timing is poorly thought out, as without having the product in hand, the videos aren’t very helpful. Additionally, I was annoyed by the anti-tracking alerts my computer displayed every time I watched one.
Once the razor arrived, I quickly realized that the tutorials didn’t accurately reflect the true out-of-box experience of loading the first blade. Here’s what they left out: The razor ships with a metal shim where the blade goes. My shim was red. You need to remove that before installing a blade. In my case, the shim was stuck in place and the only way to remove it was to disassemble razor by removing the thumbscrew under the head, (The thumbscrew is another thing that’s not mentioned in the half-dozen tutorial movies they inundate new buyers with.)
Because I wasn’t sure how to load my first blade, I reached out to Supply via email, and then via text when I didn’t get a reply after a couple of days. Unfortunately, their eventual responses didn’t answer my question clearly.
I was off to a rocky start, for sure.
Also in the “poor experience” column, it’s not clear in the online store, but you get an 8-pack of blades with the handle. It’s nice to have the blades, but they should tell you exactly what’s included.
All that aside, the Supply razor consistently gives me the best home shave I’ve ever accomplished. It definitely takes some practice though, and here are my tips:
- Focus and do not rush. Do not let your mind wander when you shave. Enjoy the moment of mindfulness.
- Do not press. Not because you’ll cut yourself, but because you’ll weirdly get a closer shave with a light touch.
- Angles matter. Although all razor manufacturers will tell you to be aware of your whisker grain, it is even more important now. Additionally, make sure the Supply logo is against your face.
- When you replace the blade, its position in the handle matters. (Another fact omitted by the tutorial videos.) This is where the thumbscrew adjustment comes into play. See the photo below and note there are no cutouts visible above the cutting edge.
I also recommend buying the handle grip, particularly if you shave in the shower. The razor is heavy and can get quite slippery.
Overall, I’m pleased with the Supply, although I’ve kept my subscription to Harry’s for use when I travel. The Supply razor is simply too heavy and expensive for me to take it on the road. But when I’m away from home, I definitely miss it.
You can get blades from the Amazon, but for the razor itself, you have to order direct. (That way they can send you all those tutorial videos.) The razor I have is now called the “The Single Edge SE,” and the price has come down from what I paid. However, don’t believe that “no learning curve” ad copy, there will be an adjustment period from using multiblades.