Book Review: The Age of Magical Overthinking

This 2024 book by Amanda Montell is subtitled “Notes on Modern Irrationality.” I hesitated to buy a self-help book, but as someone with a professional interest in magical thinking, I took a chance. (As I discovered it’s not quite self-help anyway, but I don’t know what other genre I’d assign it to.)

I’m glad I ignored my first impression, as I enjoyed this book, and except for one serious flaw, it’s a great summary of cognitive biases and internal dialog. Briefly, I recommend it!

Gordon Meyer holding book

But since I’ve mentioned it, let’s address that flaw. Honestly, if the rest of the book wasn’t so good, I’d have stopped reading when I came to it. In the chapter about “overconfidence,” Montell is highly critical of Silicon Valley, but lacks the understanding of how technical breakthroughs are achieved. She also makes the bizarre and utterly incorrect assertion that when Jobs introduced the iPhone, it wasn’t capable of doing what he claimed (and demonstrated).

But a positive trait of the book is the interesting footnotes and endnotes that allow the reader to follow-up on the author’s citations. (Well, except for that iPhone statement, for which there is no citation because it’s bullshit.) Most books in the pop culture science-y category (I guess I do know what the genre is!) don’t bother with useful references. (See Scarcity Brain, for example.) Bravo, Montell.

All total, I made about 90 notations while reading, so what follows is just a small sample of things that stood out for me:

  • Performative online personas are rewarded more than genuine artistic vision.
  • Addiction and criminality are more strongly connected with celebrity worship than calcium intake with bone mass, or lead exposure with children’s IQs.
  • “When the modern mind is starved of its nourishment, sometimes it tries to nurse in uncanny places where no milk can be found.”
  • People look to others to figure out whom they, themselves, are. By elementary school, girls have already learned to compare themselves only to peers they consider superior. Boys, to those they believe inferior.
  • Online, people who talk negatively — even if what they are posting is demonstrably false — are seen as more confident and get more engagement. Thus, they are algorithmically encouraged to carry on.
  • All that’s left of the “good old days” are their highest-quality products, and thus, that’s all we’ll ever see.
  • A “contronym” is a word that has two contradictory meanings. (Such as “bad.”)
  • “Next time we have a question, let's hold out for as long as we humanly can before googling the answer. It’ll be erotic. Like edging before a climax. It's quite nice, I am learning, just to wonder indefinitely. To never have certain answers. To sit down, be humble, and not even dare to know.”

There are far too many other interesting tidbits for me to list here. The Age of Magical Overthinking is compelling, well-written, and very timely for the post-COVID, MAGA timeline in which we are all trapped. If you’re not sure that it’s for you, at least give the Kindle or Apple Books sample a try. I bought my copy at Writer’s Block, but naturally, you can find it at the Amazon too.

Book Review: The Colorado Kid

What could I possibly say about a Stephen King novel that hasn’t already been said? Particularly, when the book was published 19 years ago! Well, buckle up, because if you overlooked this book all those years ago, you missed a true gem.

The Colorado Kid is not your typical King book. It’s a mystery novel, it’s noire-ish, and it features a knock-out conclusion. I’m not going to offer any spoilers, but it’s the end that made me fall deeply in love with this book.

It’s an ending that has been controversial, and I’ve certainly seen other people online complain about it, but I think it’s a rare masterpiece of mystery writing. The prelude to the ending (as in, the story that sets it up) is good and interesting and entertaining, but it pales in comparison to the conclusion.

And I know some of you reading this are also mystery entertainers. If that’s you, read this book immediately. It has nothing to do with conjuring, but the lessons it teaches about mystery and not knowing are invaluable.

I’ve previously written about the book’s publisher, Hard Case Crime. As this was one of their early books, it’s one that turned me on to their catalog, which has been going strong ever since. Anything they release is worthy of your consideration.

Read it now, thank me later.

Book Review: Barnabas Collins and the Mysterious Ghost

Published in 1970, this is the most contemporary book in my Dark Shadows collection. It’s lucky number thirteen in the series (of 32) so I have a long way to go if I choose to continue.

gordon meyer holding book cover

The title of the book is a bit of a puzzle to me — aren’t all ghosts mysterious? Nonetheless, the adjective was used several times in the story, so I guess my opinion was not shared by the author or editor.

As I have skipped a couple of volumes, I’m left wondering what happened to Victoria Winters, who is not only no longer in the house, she’s not even mentioned. Clearly, I missed some significant events.

In fact, there aren’t many Collins family members mentioned at all. This is definitely not a good place to begin reading the series; it would give a false impression of its gestalt.

Another thing that stood out to me is the more traditional vampire lore that’s reflected in this volume. And I do mean reflected, as a key moment occurs when Barnabas can’t be seen in a mirror.

I am pleased that the “wan drinking game” I proposed earlier would still be playable with this book. Cheers!

The writing continues to pull me in, and I found myself laughing out loud at the observation that “our own hippies wear clothes of ancient style,” in defense of Barnabas’ manner of dress. How 1970!

I’ll continue avoiding spoilers, but will note that the book sets up a fantastic treasure to be found in a future volume (I presume).

Book Review: The Demon of Barnabas Collins

The underlying theme of this eighth volume (1969) in the Dark Shadows series is the futility of trying to change the person you love. (Or, perhaps, just that women try to change men.) It may be that the incessant meddling that Barnabas endures is the “demon” of the title.

gordon meyer holding book cover

Another theme is that of Second Sight. In the story, we learn that both dogs and horses possess the ability, as does, ironically, a one-eyed man.

We also learn about ghostly flowers, that can be smelled, but not seen.

Physically, this book likely has a higher word count than the others I have read. It would explain the denser formatting, and maybe even the typographical mistakes such as repeated lines and even, surprisingly, a line printed entirely upside down. How did these mistakes make it into print? Was a demon at play?

photo of book page showing an upside line

Aside from the obligatory use of “dark shadows” as an adjective — which I continue to appreciate — this story brilliantly features a deaf-mute manservant. Barnabas must have felt very secure having an assistant who would have few employment prospects elsewhere, and also couldn’t well communicate the things he witnessed.

And, yes, the raw material for a “wan” drinking game is still very much present. Bottoms up!

I think one of the reasons I enjoyed this volume so much is that it’s a narrative, not a mystery to be solved. (I enjoy reading mystery novels, but don’t try to solve them.)

The ending of this volume is very poignant and presumably sets up a future story line. (No spoilers!)

Book Review: Birds Aren’t Real

This 2024 book by Peter McIndoe and Conner Gaydos is subtitled “The True Story of Mass Avian Murder and the Largest Surveillance Campaign in US History.”

Nothing makes me giggle more than seeing some dude holding up a “Birds Aren’t Real” sign at nearly every protest and sporting event. It tickles me even more than the “John 3:16” nutters. So when I found this book on the closeout rack at Barnes & Noble, I couldn’t resist buying it.

gordon meyer holding book

Have you ever watched a comedian who has a very finely constructed long joke that you really appreciate? At the payoff you think “wow that was really nicely done.” You can see where they’re coming from, and they obviously spent a lot of work refining it. You really appreciate the bit, but, what you don’t do, is laugh. That’s pretty much what this book was for me.

As I learned by studying at the Second City, good satire doesn’t overly rely on a wink-wink-nudge-nudge. Which this book leans into too heavily. Also, as I learned from Discordianism, not being able to tell if it’s meant as a joke is key to a good psychosocial-conspiracy.

For me, the authors made a terrible mistake in the early pages. A key moment in their historical timeline relies on events that occur at a Waffle House in Boise, Idaho.

But there is no Waffle House in Boise, Idaho. You see, as a magician, I am careful to avoid asserting evidence that can be easily, and concretely, refuted. If they had written “a waffle house,” that would not have blown apart my suspension of disbelief. How unfortunate.

That aside, there are many fun and compelling things about the book:

  • The discussion of a hummingbird drone and the JFK assassination
  • The description of online research as “YouTube videos of men yelling at their phones inside of trucks”
  • The revelation that bird poop is a synthetic tracking liquid applied by drone birds to help surveil people
  • The reason that ”birds” perch on power lines is to recharge their batteries. This is also the secret reason why many communities have not replaced overhead lines with safer, more reliable underground power.

My hat’s off to the authors, and overall this book is a fine accomplishment. I have been spoiled by the tighter, funnier, and more convincing shaggy dog tales proffered by the Discordians, and even the Church of the SubGenius. If you’d like to learn more about the Bird Truthers movement, pick up a copy at Amazon. However, if you want a real mindfck, go for The Illuminatus Trilogy instead.

23 Skidoo!

Book Review: The Secret of Barnabas Collins

This is the third book I’ve read in the series of novels by Marilyn Ross that are based on the Dark Shadows TV show. However, there are a few books between this one and the others I’ve read, and the gap might explain some of the changes that I encountered.

gordon meyer holding book

The setting of the book is 1968. (It was published in 1969.) The other books aren’t specific about their time.

In this book, the house is now known as “Collinwood,” which is almost certainly an attempt to match the television show, even though tho these books are not part of that universe.

No spoilers, but in this book Barnabas is living in a pub room (not in the Old House), and the story features a Spiritualist Medium which really adds a nice occult element. We also learn that Barnabas can only feed on females, which justifies the many romances interweaving through the series.

This time, I didn’t notice any Hitchockian references to “dark shadows” in the story, but I am beginning to think that a drinking game based on the author using “wan” would be killer.

You can find a copy of this book at Amazon, of course, but wouldn’t it be more fun to let fate decide if you’re fortunate enough to encounter it in a used bookstore?

Book Review: Victoria Winters

This is the second book in a series based on the Dark Shadows gothic daytime soap opera. (Also see my review of the first book.) The first printing was in 1966.

gordon meyer holding book

This novel introduces several new characters and locations, which reflects Victoria Winters getting settled into Collinsport, but also gives the author a richer palette from which to tell the stories. Those characters who were introduced in the first book, but not necessary to the present story, are said to be, conveniently, away on summer vacation.

The titular character spends most of the book attracting suitors who are surprisingly quick to fall in love with her. (Spoiler: she reciprocates with only one of them.) As these situations unfolded, I found myself concerned that I had been tricked into reading a romance novel! But with the strong supernatural elements of the story, it is only my ignorance of the “gothic” genre that fooled me.

The earliest editions of this book, of which my copy is apparently one, feature a photo of Barnabas Collins on the cover, but he doesn’t appear in the story. Later editions, such as this one listed on Amazon, show a more story-accurate depiction.

I’m beginning to notice some quirks of the author, such as a heavy use of the adjective “wan.” It appears so frequently that it could almost become a Dark Shadows drinking game. Of a more charming note, she (perhaps “they” is a better pronoun) also sneaks in a sly use of the phrase “dark shadows,” as a delightful Easter egg.

A favorite passage in defense of paranormal studies:

“Life offered mysteries on all sides and there were not always mundane answers to explain them. All through the history of mankind there had been witness to the reality of a spirit world. History and folklore were filled with references to demons, witches, and ghosts. Could all this evidence be ignored and put down merely as superstition? Or was there another dimension generally not admitted except among those close in the same circle, discussed in hushed tones privately, denied in public and yet so apparent as to have endured down through the centuries?”

I enjoyed this book. It was a fun read, with the careful wording that I’m coming to expect from the series. As I approached the end, I was concerned that too many plot points would be left unresolved — perhaps for use in future novels — but the conclusion moved along at a brisk pace (unlike some earlier parts of the story) and it left me satisfied.

Book Review: Dark Shadows

I don’t normally read fiction — and certainly not horror. I also haven’t watched very many episodes of the old Dark Shadows gothic soap opera.

So no one was more surprised than I was when I purchased a stack of used paperback novels based on the series.

Perhaps I was compelled by an unseen force? Or maybe it was a latent fondness for childhood memories of encountering the show when I was home sick from school? In any case, I left the Printers Row Lit Fest with the musty, but in good shape, stack of novels.

gordon meyer holding book

This book, titled simply Dark Shadows, is a 1966 publication by Marilyn Ross. It’s the first in a series of 32 novels. Although the cover of the book shows the vampire Barnabas Collins from the TV show, he is completely absent from this story. I didn’t miss him per se, but it was a bit of a surprise. (According to Wikipedia, he doesn’t appear in a story until the fourth novel.)

Although the books are based on the television shows, they don’t represent the same storyline. (Similar to how Marvel movies don’t follow the comic books.) So, alas, even if I were to read all 32 novels, I wouldn’t be able to compare notes with those who have watched the whole 1,225 episode series. (Believe it or not, I know four people who have!)

The book is compelling and fun to read. And from a writer’s perspective, it starts with a masterful exposition that sets everything up.

I also laughed with admiration at how Ross worked in a sly reference to the title of the series. (I suspect that there are other insider references that escape my notice and understanding.)

The character development, fast pace, and clever prose kept me engaged until the very end, and I surprised myself by immediately reaching for the next book in the stack that I had bought.

I’ve since learned that the books are somewhat sought after by collectors, so pick up a copy if you come across it in a used bookstore. If not for the nostalgia, for the craft.

Book Review: Scarcity Brain

This is a 2023 “self-help” book by Michael Easter. Definitely not the sort of book I typically read, but occasionally, I surprise myself.

gordon meyer holding book cover

Scarcity Brain was a compelling read, perhaps mostly because — unlike many publications of this genre — Mr. Easter writes in the first person and does not come off as preachy. The style is that it’s just one man’s account of his investigations into a subject that interests him.

Unfortunately, with this approach, it’s not a good resource for those who want to “do their own research” as there is a paucity of usable references and no bibliography. More than once I cringed at references to “a study found that…” without any detail about the “who, what, when, and where” provided. This is a surprising omission for Easter, he’s a college professor and journalist, but it does serve to keep the book breezy and readable.

The premise of the book is that “scarcity” has driven human behavior ever since our arrival. Scarcity consists of the opportunity to gain something, a degree of unpredictability about the outcome, and quick repeatability. It is the pursuit and anticipation of a reward that releases a dopamine high, not the actual receipt of the reward. We are compelled to persist in the face of uncertainty because it feels good to do so. (Also, quitters die.)

The book examines how this urge plays into many aspects of modern life, such as extreme sports, gambling, social media, politics, food, and more. It’s a fascinating take on what is really going on with people and driving so much obsessive behavior.

Some ideas and phrases that stuck me with:

  • Slot machines are finely tuned to tickle the “scarcity brain” and, annually, take in $100 per American. That’s more than books, movies, and music combined.
  • “Losses disguised as wins” is a key component of gaming. That is, bet $5 and get back $3, and it seems like a “win.”
  • Although not his exact wording, Easter’s observations inspire me to declare Las Vegas the “The Vatican of Excess” — a turn of phrase I’m rather proud of.
  • Humans overlook subtraction as an effective way to change things. Instead, we pursue more, more, and more. (A lesson I wish more software developers would learn, although Apple is pretty good at recognizing this.)
  • “We need to ask the deeper questions and consider how we can find enough. Not too much, and not too little.” In other words, Goldilocks had the right idea.
  • Better living through chemistry: Manufactured street drugs release a thousand-fold more dopamine than any naturally occurring substance.
  • The rise of data, numbers, and figures is gamifying everyday life, and that impacts how we live, what we pay attention to, and what we pursue — the reward being a better “score” on our wrist computers.
  • “Snacking” is a modern, post-war category of food. And the variety of food available now has ruined the sociability of eating. No longer do you have to accommodate the tastes of others or discover new things, everyone eats in their own “bubble” of preferences.
  • We are exposed to more information in a single day than a 15th century human would encounter in their entire lives. Much of it designed to make us feel happy, sad, outraged, or correct. All so that we will keep looking and see more advertisements.
  • Just as “slow food” is better for you than “fast food,” slow information gathering is better than Googling.

Well, there’s much, much more. I thoroughly enjoyed this book despite its flaws and annoying oversights of page layout. But, kudos to the designer who came up with these charming chapter headings:

chapter number design that looks like a slot machine reel

I bought my copy on sale at Writer’s Block, but it’s also available to at the Amazon.

Book Review: Rim of the Pit

I don’t read many novels, but when I do it’s most often a noir-ish mystery story. I was attracted to this book in particular because its author is a conjuror who has written a classic textbook that I really admire.

gordon meyer holding book cover

The story is a bonafide classic “locked room” mystery, which adds an extra element of intrigue, and as it says in the book’s introduction, makes the story more of a “howdunit” instead of a “whodunit.”

The story, having been published in 1944, definitely has some dated references, such as a describing someone as resembling “an island of William Bendix entirely surrounded by Robert Taylor.” I’ll refrain from quoting the references which are decidedly not politically correct in today’s world. But in my opinion, these cultural artifacts don’t distract from the story, but instead cement it into a specific historical and cultural period. This is important, as the story takes place in real-time and modern readers must remember that certain technologies and practices are simply not available to the characters.

The book’s prose is wonderful and, if you’re so inclined, offers many rabbit holes to explore. Here are just a few of the new words, or delightful turns of phrase, that I enjoyed:

  • According to the O.E.D.,gibber, as a noun, does not predate (1604) gibberish, the adjective. (1557). Surprising!
  • “Her face still showed traces of a beauty which must have been flamboyant in her youth, but she had fought age with the wrong weapons.”
  • An impassioned speech aimed at skeptics — “Some men steal. Doesn't show everybody's a thief. Doesn't even show the thieves dishonesty all the time. Come right down to it, the fact that some mediums cheat is positive proof of another world. Before a medium can fake a phenomenon, that phenomenon must have happened. Can't imitate anything that doesn't exist.”
  • “Snatching at a straw and swallowing a camel.”
  • Dottle is the remaining plug of unburnt tobacco and ashes left in the bottom of a tobacco pipe when it has been smoked.
  • “Every trade marks a man. Mine is science. If that means anything at all it means becoming the slave of logic. An honest scientist spends his days fighting the will to believe, until at last he ceases to have any control over his own opinions. He follows logic as inevitably and as helplessly as water runs downhill. He can no longer believe anything because it is pleasant, or because everyone else does. Neither can he refuse to believe anything because it contravenes the theories on which he has based his entire life.”

Did I solve the mystery before the book revealed its secrets? I did not. But honestly, I didn’t even try. I never do. (I love the feeling of not knowing.) But if you’re the type that wants to outsmart the author, I assure you it’s possible with a careful reading and clever thinking.

Rim of the Pit is part of the American Mystery Classics collection, and I bought my copy at Mysterious Bookshop in NYC. However, you can obtain it from the Amazon or wherever fine books are sold. I predict that you’ll enjoy it.