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Book Review: The Fairy Tale Review

This journal, published by Wayne State University, is the pre-eminent publication for contemporary fiction in the style of fairy tales. (Yes, that’s actually a thing.)

This is the first issue that I’ve read. It’s from 2021, but the annual publication is cataloged by color (for some reason) so this is known as The Gold Issue. (The first one, published in 2006, was The Blue Issue.)

gordon meyer holding book

The journal publishes not just stories, but also poetry, art, and nonfiction, all in the fairy tale realm. This particular issue has a strong academic focus on the works of Anne Sexton, a poet who breathed new life into contemporary fairy tales with her reinterpretations from the Grimm canon. (See her collection, Transformations.)

I enjoyed reading this issue, although it had a bit too much poetry for my taste. I’ll definitely try another issue if the opportunity arises. Thanks to its academic approach, I was able to discover many additional books and publications that have caught my interest as well.

Kindle-format back issues are available on Amazon, but they are more expensive than printed copies directly from Wayne State.


Craig Conley

I wonder if the color-coding is possibly an homage to Andrew Lang's color-coded fairy series: The Blue Fairy Book (1889), The Red Fairy Book (1890), The Green Fairy Book (1892), The Yellow Fairy Book (1894), The Pink Fairy Book (1897), The Grey Fairy Book (1900), The Violet Fairy Book (1901), The Crimson Fairy Book (1903), The Brown Fairy Book (1904), The Orange Fairy Book (1906), The Olive Fairy Book (1907), and The Lilac Fairy Book (1910).

Gordon Meyer

Oh! Good call, Craig. Those colors do seem to coincide completely with the journal's issues. Thanks for solving that mystery!

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